Easy 3-Ingredient Healing Detox Bath Recipe

detox bath clay recipe

Our bodies have to filter a lot of toxins! From the laundry detergent we use to the food we eat, toxins are hidden everywhere and can cause irritation and a myriad of symptoms.

Although the human body is incredibly sophisticated and undergoes several different detox processes every single day, a detox bath can really help support these natural processes, relax and restore.

This detox bath recipe is super easy! All you need are magnesium bath flakes, baking soda and a clay bath – that’s it! It’s an easy toxin and fragrance-free recipe that is meant to holistically support your health and help your body reset and relax.

Detox Bath Benefits

First, I’d just like to say that I’m not a huge fan of the name “detox bath.” I like to think of it as a wellness tool that can help support your health and well-being alongside a healthy diet and lifestyle.

A detox or wellness bath can benefit your health in many ways, such as:

  • May help increase magnesium levels in the body
  • Help alleviate muscle aches and joint soreness
  • Promote relaxation
  • May relieve itching or irritation (e.g., eczema, sunburn, psoriasis).
  • Bind to toxins and impurities on the skin, promoting detoxification
  • May help relieve headaches and migraines

Easy Detox Bath Recipe


Add the clay bath to warm running water to thoroughly mix. Add in the magnesium flakes and baking soda, giving the water a good stir to dissolve the salts. Soak in the bath for 15-30 minutes.

Why These Ingredients Work

You don’t need a ton of ingredients for this bath! All you need to support your body’s natural detoxification processes are three simple, all-natural ingredients. Here’s why these ingredients are amazing:

Magnesium Salts

Most people today are deficient in magnesium. This is due to poor, processed diets, growing produce in minerally depleted soil (caused by pesticides and fertilizers), and drinking filtered, chlorine-treated tap water.

Magnesium is an essential mineral for the body to stay healthy. It is responsible for muscle movement, nerve function, maintaining blood pressure and glucose levels, and helping make proteins, DNA and bone. 

Magnesium is best absorbed into the body through the skin, so wellness baths are one of the best opportunities to add magnesium salts!

Adding it to your bath can help relieve muscle and joint soreness, reduce muscle cramping, relieve headaches and migraines, reduce skin inflammation and irritation and support deep, restful sleep.

Baking Soda

Baking soda (bicarbonate) seems like a very odd ingredient to add to your bath water. But, it can actually provide many benefits to the body. 

As an antacid, it can help relieve sore muscles and cramps by neutralizing the lactic acid produced from muscle exertion. 

It can also help soothe skin conditions such as dry skin, eczema, and psoriasis. According to the National Eczema Association, adding baking soda to your bath is a non-toxic anti-itch ingredient.

Baking soda has an alkalizing property that can help support your body and its natural detoxification mechanisms and support toxin removal, especially through the skin. 

The skin is the largest organ, and it’s exposed to hundreds of toxins and pollutants. From the outside air to lotions, body washes, and sunscreens we use, it all sits on our skin and can be absorbed to some extent.

Baking soda is a natural ingredient that is excellent for helping remove these excess toxins and renewing and balancing our skin barrier.

Mineral Clay

detox bath clay recipe

Mineral clay is an ancient remedy for cleansing and soothing skin. It is rich in several essential minerals, including iron, calcium, sulfur, magnesium, potassium silica, manganese and other trace minerals.

Clay is used in Pelotherapy, which involves soaking in mineral clay water for a period of time. Its adsorptive properties allow it to attract and help eliminate toxins on and in the skin.

Clay particles carry a negative charge, whereas toxins, pollutants and impurities carry a positive charge. So, when you soak in a clay bath, the clay particles attract (and adsorb) these toxins, thereby supporting your body in its natural detoxification processes.

Essential Oils To Add To Your Detox Bath

This detox bath recipe is 100% fragrance-free for those with sensitive skin, but you can always add some natural essential oils for additional health properties and aromatherapy.

My favourite relaxing combinations include:

  • Lavender + Eucalyptus
  • Peppermint + Lemon
  • Patchouli + Sandalwood
  • Clary Sage + Geranium

Additional Ways To Support Natural Detox

Detox baths are a great way to support natural detoxification and relax the body. The human body is incredible in its ability to filter and remove toxins and waste products through kidney filtration, liver detoxification, lymphatic system, GI tract, respiratory system, skin, antioxidants and hormonal balance.

These systems and organs undergo specific detoxification processes every day. However, our exposure to toxins these days is high. Our food, personal care products, air, drinking water, and furniture are all contaminated with some kind of irritant.

You can naturally support your body in these detox processes by:

  • Eating a nutrient-dense diet
  • Eliminating processed and refined foods
  • Get daily movement in
  • Drinking adequate amounts of mineral-rich water (filtered & fluoride-free!)
  • Sauna and steam room
  • Deep breathing exercises
  • Reducing toxin exposure
  • Prioritizing quality sleep
  • Dry brushing
  • Drinking herbal teas (dandelion, milk thistle, ginger)

These are all simple but effective ways to support your natural detox pathways by encouraging sweating, lymphatic drainage, circulation, oxygen exchange, aiding digestion, and reducing stress.

For additional ways to reduce your toxin exposure:

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