Easy Homemade Electrolyte Drink Recipe – Rehydrate Naturally

DIY Electrolyte Drink Recipe

Need a quick recipe to replenish your electrolytes? This homemade electrolyte drink recipe is natural, easy to make, effective at rehydrating and great for kids! You only need four ingredients: fresh lemon juice, sea salt, maple syrup and water.

DIY Electrolyte Drink Recipe

There’s nothing worse than feeling completely drained after a cold or flu. You know that feeling? When your body just feels like a rag-doll? Weird description… I know, but you get the jist.

I once caught a terrible stomach bug that left me feeling totally exhausted.

Most people would recommend drinking something like Gatorade during recovery to help replenish electrolytes and rehydrate from all the fluid losses. But, I knew that those kinds of drinks are usually a concoction of ingredients that

  1. weren’t going to be conducive to my recovery
  2. I just wasn’t comfortable putting in my body

I mean, just the blazing bright colours of blue and orange are enough to make my stomach flop.

So, I got to making my own electrolyte drink. I wanted to make something natural, rich in electrolytes, and easy to make. That’s how I came to make this natural electrolyte replacement drink.

Since that awful stomach bug, I still use this drink often. It’s become an important staple in my wellness kit.

It’s the best natural replenishing drink after illnesses, especially for diarrhea and vomiting when you lose fluids and for dehydration from illness, exercise or hot climate.

During the summer months, I drink it almost weekly because I spend much time outdoors being active with my family and pup and I feel like my body could use a little refresher. Plus, it’s the easiest way to replenish your electrolytes quickly at home!

So, if you’re also in the same boat or your kids need a little boost after the flu, here’s a super simple electrolyte drink recipe that only requires four ingredients and 2 minutes to make! I’m sure it’ll become a staple in your natural remedies kit!

Ready to make this yummy homemade drink? Grab your mason jar, and let’s go!

Why You’ll Love This Natural Electrolyte Drink Recipe

It’s all-natural

Commercial electrolyte drinks contain a lot more than just electrolytes. They also contain sweeteners and other additives to help preserve their product.

One ingredient you should watch out for commonly added to these drinks is citric acid. But wait, isn’t citric acid just a type of vitamin C found in fruit?

Yes and no. Citric acid naturally occurs in fruits and vegetables. However, citric acid, commonly added to food products, medications and skin care products, is unnatural.

In these items, a manufactured citric acid (MCA) is used. MCA is synthetically made from Aspergillus niger (black mold). The effects of the consumption of citric acid are being studied with research finding correlations to various inflammatory reactions.

I don’t know about you, but seeing a whole list of ingredients on a ‘health drink’ doesn’t exactly sit right with me.

You can make this homemade electrolyte drink recipe with just four natural ingredients! You only need lemon, sea salt, maple syrup (or honey) and water. So, you don’t have to worry about harmful ingredients, artificial food dyes or flavours.

No scary, toxic ingredients here!

Safe for kids too

Since this homemade recipe is completely natural and made with whole ingredients, kids can enjoy it, too!

Replenishing electrolytes is essential for children, especially after overcoming a cold or flu, playing sports, or having long, fun days in the sun.

It works!

This natural recipe’s ingredients help replenish and rehydrate your body, unlike commercial electrolyte drinks, which may actually cause electrolyte imbalances and further dehydration through vomiting and diarrhea.

Sea salt contains all of the essential electrolytes our body needs.

Maple syrup also contains electrolytes and other vitamins that help boost energy, support muscle recovery, and prevent cramping.

Lemon juice is a great source of potassium, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin C, making it a great addition for immune support and rehydration.

Super easy to make

Don’t worry; this recipe is seriously easy to make! You’ll need four ingredients you likely already have in your kitchen and about two minutes to make it.

Something you can also do to save time during times of need is batch prepare.

Whether your kids are sick or you have some hard workouts scheduled this week, prepare a large batch in advance!

Make it once so it’s ready when you need it.

easy homemade electrolyte drink

What You’ll Need For This Homemade Electrolyte Drink Recipe

Lemon juice – make sure to use a fresh whole lemon. Packaged lemon juice concentrate will provide a ‘lemony’ flavour but lacks fresh lemon juice’s nutritional value. Plus, many concentrates also contain additives and preservatives.

Real salt – for this recipe, you will need real salt. The best types of salt for electrolyte concentration are sea salt and Himalayan salt. Regular table salt is highly processed and lacks nutritional value. My favourite real salt brands that I swear by in my home are Redmond Real Salt, Unrefined Mineral Salt, Celtic Sea Salt, or Salt Works Himalayan Salt.

Maple syrup – use authentic maple syrup. Just ensure your maple syrup is 100% maple syrup (aka no additives, sweeteners, etc.). Both Grade A or B will work just fine for this recipe!

Water – any filtered water will do

Because this recipe aims to replenish and rehydrate your body and cells, you’ll want to use high-quality ingredients for the best benefits!

*Note: If you’re unable to find maple syrup or would prefer a different sweetener, honey is just as awesome and is chock-full of health benefits, too! Just be sure to use raw, unpasteurized honey.

How To Make Your Own Natural Electrolyte Drink At Home

Makes: 2 Mason Jars (16oz)

  • Fresh Lemon Juice (1-2 Lemons)
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup (or raw honey)
  • 1/8-1/4 tsp sea salt (depending on your salt)
  • 4 cups water
  • *Optional: 1 tbsp Magnesium Glycinate
Natural Electrolyte Drink Recipe

Squeeze your lemon

Squeeze your fresh lemon juice into your clean mason jar glass using a lemon press or juicer.

lemon juice using a lemon press

Add all of the ingredients & mix!

Next, add all the ingredients to your mason jar and either close it with a lid and gently shake back and forth or stir with a spoon to combine them.

Adding Magnesium Liquid to a Glass
Adding Maple Syrup to a Glass


That’s it. Just add it all in, mix, add some ice and sip!

Homemade Electrolyte Drink Recipe

If you’re making a larger batch in advance, you can make it in a large glass pitcher or a large mason jar to make it easier and then divide it into water bottles or these awesome mason jar cups for on-the-go.

Delicious Flavour Variations To Try:

Citrus Refresh

If you love citrus, add 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice and 1/2 cup fresh orange juice.

It’s sweet, citrusy and perfect during the summer!

Vitamin C Blast

If you’re just getting over a cold or flu, now is the time to reload all your essential nutrients, including vitamins! Vitamin C has been found to help speed up the duration of an illness and support the body in recovery.

For this variation, adjust for 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice and 1/2 cup cooled organic rose hip tea. Rose hips have 40x more vitamin C per 100g than an orange! They are one of the world’s best fruits for vitamin C concentration.

Cool Coconut

Coconut water is a great source of electrolytes, namely potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, and other vitamins and minerals.

Substitute the lemon juice in the recipe for 1 cup of coconut water.

Tropical, sweet and hydrating!

What do electrolytes do?

Electrolytes are essential to the optimal functioning of the whole human body. From stimulating your nerves to maintaining your blood pressure, adequate electrolyte balance is critical for all cells, tissues and organs.

A few roles of electrolytes in the body include:

Sodium – helps maintain and regulate fluid balance and blood pressure, needed for nerve conductivity

Potassium – essential for muscle contraction, regulates heart function, helps support blood pressure

Chloride – helps regulate fluid levels, maintain pH, and stimulate stomach acid secretion for digestion, and supports normal neuromuscular activity

Calcium – supports neuromuscular activity (contraction and nerve signalling), endocrine function, blood clotting and forming, strengthening and maintaining bones and teeth

Magnesium – supports muscle function, normal heart rhythm, digestive processes, and bone-building and strengthening.

FAQ About This Homemade Electrolyte Drink

How can I drink electrolytes naturally?

Electrolytes are found in the majority of whole foods! From fruit to veggies to dairy, you’re bound to find electrolytes. The best way to support your electrolytes is to eat a holistic, whole-food diet rich in nutrients.

When you exercise and lose fluid through perspiration, your electrolytes may need replenishing. The same goes for if you’ve been sick or even throughout the summer when sweating is more common.

In these cases, you can quickly and easily replenish your electrolytes with this super easy homemade electrolyte drink recipe or even dissolve a small crystal (about 1/8 tsp) of sea salt or Himalayan salt in water and drink it as-is.

How do I know if I have an electrolyte imbalance?

Getting a blood and urine test is the best way to know if you have an electrolyte imbalance. However, each electrolyte imbalance may present differently from person to person. Some common symptoms include:

  • Muscle spasms, twitches and aches
  • Increased thirst
  • Insomnia
  • Irregular beats and heart palpitations
  • Blood pressure changes
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Cramps, diarrhea, constipation

Is there anyone who shouldn’t consume electrolyte drinks?

Although this homemade electrolyte drink recipe is natural and a great way to replenish depleted electrolytes, it should be avoided by those who take certain medications such as for blood pressure, heart or kidneys.

In these cases, the body is extremely sensitive to electrolytes and supplementing may cause imbalances. If you’re unsure, speaking with your physician first is always best.

Can I drink this electrolyte drink every day?

Electrolytes are essential to the proper functioning of every cell and every body system, just like when electrolytes are too low, having electrolyte levels that are too high can also cause health issues.

The body maintains a specific range of electrolyte levels; anything too low or too high can cause problems. Electrolytes are present in your diet, so supplementing daily with a drink may be too much.

Use this drink to replenish and rehydrate after an illness, physical exertion, or during hot temperatures when fluid loss is increased.

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DIY Electrolyte Drink Recipe

Easy Homemade Electrolyte Drink Recipe – Rehydrate Naturally

  • Author: Tess


Units Scale

  • Juice of 1 lemon, fresh
  • 1 Tablespoon organic maple syrup (or raw honey)
  • 1/81/4 Teaspoon sea salt (depending on your salt)
  • 4 cups of water
  • *Optional: 1 tbsp Magnesium Glycinate


  1. Squeeze your fresh lemon juice into your clean mason jar glass using a lemon press or juicer.
  2. Next, add all the ingredients to your mason jar and either close it with a lid and gently shake back and forth or stir with a spoon to combine them.
  3. That’s it. Just add it all in, mix, add some ice and sip!


Be sure to use a quality salt like Redmond Real Salt for nutrient density.

What’s your favourite natural electrolyte drink combination? I’d love to know in the comments below!

More Homemade Natural Remedies To Try:

*Tess (Organically Well) is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.

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