How To Get Fragrance Out Of Clothes

How To Get Fragrance Out of Clothes

So you’ve switched to a low-tox lifestyle, but now all your clothes are permanently perfumed. 

Synthetic fragrances have gained the nickname “silent poison.” And for good reason! They’re invisible and smell lovely, but they wreak havoc on your body and health.

So, if you’ve made up your mind to ditch synthetic fragrance, here’s how to get fragrance out of clothes using only natural, non-toxic methods.

Wash In Hot Water 

Washing your clothes in hot water can be a game-changer when it comes to eliminating synthetic fragrance. As the water temperature rises, so does its ability to dissolve and remove residues that cling to fabrics, including artificial scents.

Hot water not only helps break down oils and sweat trapped in fibers but also effectively kills odour-causing bacteria within the fabric.  However, it’s essential to check garment care labels to ensure they can withstand hot water temperatures without damage. 

Cold water just doesn’t penetrate and wash clothes in the same way that hot water can.

Soak Before You Wash

How To Remove Fragrance From Clothes

Sometimes, washing your clothes in hot water is not enough to remove stubborn synthetic fragrances in your clothes. Especially if you’ve been using commercial laundry detergent, those artificial fragrances can really accumulate and embed in the fabric.

If you’ve already tried washing your clothes in hot water using a non-toxic, fragrance-free laundry detergent and they still come out fragrant, you should try soaking your clothing.

Pre-soaking is a game-changer for detoxing clothing from harmful fragranced chemicals without breaking the bank or resorting to harsh chemicals.

How To Pre-Soak Your Clothes

Fill a large basin or your tub with warm water and add a cup of baking soda and a half cup of white vinegar. Alternatively, you can use Branch Basics Oxygen Boost, which also contains baking soda and other non-toxic, fragrance-free ingredients that break down odours.

Let your garments soak for at least an hour, though I often leave them overnight for a thorough detox. Then, just launder on regular wash using a fragrance-free, non-toxic laundry detergent.

Note: Many of you might want to use OxiClean or similar odour removers. If you’re trying to get rid of fragrance from your clothes, don’t. These products also contain fragrance. So, it really won’t help you get the job done! An exact non-toxic alternative is the Branch Basics Oxygen Boost (and it’s fragrance-free!).

READ: 5 Best Non-Toxic Laundry Detergent Brands

Use Baking Soda 

Non-Toxic Oxiclean Alternative

If you don’t have time to soak your clothing, you can add baking soda or oxygen boost directly to your laundry load.

Add half a cup of baking soda or one scoop (1 oz) of oxygen boost to your laundry. This will help neutralize odours and remove fragrance residue from clothes while they wash.


Adding half a cup of distilled white vinegar to the rinse cycle may seem unconventional, but its odour-neutralizing properties are powerful. Using vinegar with a wash cycle breaks down lingering fragrances and leaves your garments smelling fresh and fragrance-free.

Not only does vinegar eliminate odours and synthetic fragrances, but it also softens fabrics and helps prevent static cling! Plus, it’s eco-friendly and safe for most fabrics, making it a great natural option to detox your laundry.

Air Dry Outside

How To Get Rid of Fragrance in Clothes

Ditch the dryer and take your laundry outside! Hang your clothes on the line and let nature work its magic.

Sunlight does more than just dry your stuff—its UV rays help break down and neutralize odours and even kill bacteria! It also has natural sanitizing properties, so it’s actually detoxing your clothes and naturally brightening your whites.

Air drying your clothes outside in fresh air allows synthetic fragrances to off-gas, effectively ventilating and dissipating these toxic fragrances.

Plus, air-dried laundry always just smells so crisp, fresh and clean.

READ: How To Detox Your Home Room-By-Room

Activated charcoal

Say hello to your new odour-fighting sidekick: activated charcoal. All you have to do is place a few pouches with activated charcoal in your closet or dresser.

Activated charcoal is amazing at absorbing odours and fragrances in a safe, non-toxic way. It’s not an air freshener (full of chemicals), but a natural detoxing tool.

It also doesn’t smell, so you won’t have to worry about your clothes taking on a new smell. It’s odourless and powerful at neutralizing odours.


Wait, vodka?

Yup, vodka is also a pro at getting rid of fragrance from your clothes. It helps kill odour-causing bacteria & neutralizes smells.

Just mix equal parts vodka and water in a spray bottle, give it a good shake, and then lightly mist your clothes. Hang ’em up to dry, and let the vodka work its magic.

Vodka is gentle on fabrics, so you don’t have to worry about it causing any damage.

Coffee grounds

Yep, those same beans that wake you up in the morning can also freshen up your wardrobe.

Have you ever been to buy a perfume or cologne and the store employee gave you coffee beans to smell in between testing different scents? That’s because of it’s ability to absorb and neutralize odours.

You can use them in two ways:

Grab some old coffee grounds and toss them into a breathable fabric pouch or an old sock. Then, throw that pouch into your laundry during the wash cycle, and let the coffee grounds work their magic.

Or, place coffee beans in a small sachet or sock and place them in your closet and dresser. It helps passively absorb odours and fragrances while leaving your clothes smelling neutral. (They won’t smell like coffee!).

Long Dryer Cycle

Finally, after outgassing clothing outside and using a soaking solution, it’s crucial not to overlook the significance of a long dryer cycle in fragrance detox.

Extending the time your clothes spend tumbling can be the game-changer in eradicating those stubborn synthetic scents. Drying your clothes for a longer cycle allows the fragrance to dissipate for longer. The heat also helps this process.

Tip: ensure your dryer is not crammed, allowing better airflow and more efficient off-gassing of fabrics.

Choosing and Using Fragrance-Free Laundry Detergents

Non-Toxic Fragrance-Free Laundry Detergent

Of course, if you’re truly trying to detox and get rid of fragrance in your clothes, you can’t maintain this long-term unless you switch to a non-toxic, fragrance-free laundry detergent.

Sure, you can detox your clothes, but if you continue to use the same commercial laundry detergent, you’ll also go back to square one.

Switching to a non-toxic laundry detergent is actually simpler than you might think. Several awesome brands offer laundry detergents with simple, toxic-free ingredients that actually work.

I tested several of these brands out and found that these are the 5 Best Non-Toxic Laundry Detergent Brands.

So, if you want to make it easy or yourself (and your wallet), I suggest reading through that and picking a laundry detergent that you know will work.

Trust me, there’s nothing worse than spending tons of money on non-toxic laundry detergents only to find out they don’t even effectively clean your clothes (been there… lol).

Non-toxic laundry detergent is not only crucial in removing fragrance from clothes, but it also helps us steer clear of those harmful fragranced chemicals that are no good for anyone, especially those who have sensitive skin, allergies or chronic illnesses.

The trick is to find a detergent that truly lives up to its fragrance-free label. Check the ingredients, and ensure it’s designed to eliminate scent without adding any of its own.

READ: What Is Non-Toxic Laundry Detergent

It’s a simple step, but opting for a fragrance-free option and using it effectively can significantly reduce our exposure to harmful chemicals, making our homes safer and our clothes fresher in the most natural way.

Preventing Future Fragrance Accumulation

If you’re committed to ditching toxic synthetic fragrance, there are several things you can do to help prevent future fragrance accumulation in your clothes:

  • Air dry outside when possible
  • Use non-toxic laundry detergent
  • Pre-soak clothing before washing
  • Add baking soda, vinegar or oxygen boost to your laundry loads
  • Stop using dryer sheets (filled with toxic fragrance!)
  • Switch to non-toxic, fragrance-free deodorant
  • Ditch synthetic perfume/cologne

READ: How To Get Rid Of Synthetic Fragrance In Your Home In 7 Steps

Fresh and Clean, Naturally

Your laundry can smell clean and fresh without the help of synthetic fragrances. Ditch the toxic laundry products and use these natural methods to detox your clothes, and keep them smelling clean without risk to your health.

For more tips on your non-toxic living journey, check out these posts!

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